The Pros And Cons Of Breast Fat Grafting

Breast fat grafting is one way of enlarging breasts, where fat cells are moved from other body parts to the breasts. Breast fat grafting is an alternative to breast implants and has become an increasingly popular procedure in Singapore for various reasons;

Pros Of Breast Fat Grafting

It Is Minimally Invasive

The procedure is fast and is usually performed on outpatients (you get to go home the same day). The fat is removed from other parts of the body through liposuction and transferred to the breasts with a syringe. 

The breasts may be tender, but the discomfort lasts only a few days. You may need to wear a sports bra as the fat cells settle into the breast tissues. Otherwise, the aftercare process is also seamless and easy to follow. 

It Helps To Contour The Body

Since the process involves the removal of fat from other parts of the body, you get the benefit of a better-contoured body without going through the struggles of weight loss. It is important to understand that breast fat grafting in Singapore is not a solution to obesity. 

To get breast fat transfer, you need to have sufficient body fat in other parts of the body. Depending on where the fat cells are removed, you may end up with smaller hips or a flatter tummy. 

It Is Relatively Safe

Compared to breast implants, fat transfer for breast augmentation is relatively safe. It has very few side effects, such as breast tenderness. The results also last a relatively shorter time. The pain and discomfort should be gone within a week if everything goes well. 

Naturally Fuller Breasts

Fat grafting in breast augmentation leads to a more natural and fuller appearance of the results. They take a more natural shape and feel. It is a great way to get an extra cup size without adding a foreign body, such as silicone implants. 

Cons Of Breast Fat Transfer

Mild Breast Size Increase

Breast fat transfer can also increase breast size by ½ to one cup. This mild increment only works for people who want a slight change in breast size. If you wish to have larger breasts, you may have to consider using breast implants. 

It Has Limitations Over Who Can Get It

Breast fast transfer in Singapore is only possible for women with enough body fat. When the fat cells are transferred to the breasts, they sometimes die, so your doctor will need to “harvest” enough to cover whatever cells are lost during transfer. 

Most women seeking breast augmentation have a body image they aspire to get. So, if the fat cells are insufficient to create this figure, it may lead to disappointment. 

It Offers No Guarantees On Breast Size

To limit expectations, doctors warn that breast fat grafting in Singapore can only lead to an increase of one cup size or less. This is primarily because fat cells have a survival rate of 50% – 70%. Fat cell redistribution is another concern.

Some patients may need subsequent fat transfer procedures if the initial breast fat grafting fails to yield the expected results. 

Additionally, changes in physical appearance due to age, pregnancy, weight gain, or weight loss will affect the breasts. Since fat cells are used, the breast size will change in response to what is happening to the body. 

Changes In Cost

Since you cannot tell if you will need more than one procedure, it is difficult to tell how much the entire breast fat grafting will cost in the long run. Sometimes, the cost may be higher than breast implant surgery. 

Like other cosmetic procedures, breast fat transfer has its pros and cons. Some people are likely to benefit more from fat transfer. Before the procedure, consult your doctor to see if you are a suitable candidate. 

Risks and Implications of Breast Fat Grafting

Breast fat transfer is a relatively straightforward process. You walk into the clinic for a few hours and are out the same day after the procedure. However, as easy as it seems, it is important to understand the risks. 

The surgery is minimally invasive, but like other cosmetic procedures, it carries some risks.

Here are some of the risks of breast fat transfer in Singapore

Fat Necrosis

Fat necrosis refers to the death of fat cells during the transfer process. This happens because the cells do not get oxygen supplies for a brief period. The surgeon will check for impurities in the cells before transferring them to the breasts. 

During this process, it is not unusual for some cells to die. Some cells also die when injected into the breast tissues, resulting in bubbles and lumps in the breast tissue. 

Some of the signs of fat necrosis include;

  • Painful lumps
  • Hard lumps
  • Redness in areas close to the lumps
  • Bruising
  • Skin discolouration
  • Scarring
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Changes in breast shape 

Often, fat necrosis resolves itself. However, this may take a few weeks. If you notice lumps in your breast after breast fat grafting, have your doctor check them. They can easily be dissolved and removed. 


The risk of infections after breast fat grafting in Singapore is low because the procedure is non-invasive. The injections are so small, and the skin heals quickly. However, infections are expected if you;

  • Have a weakened immune system
  • Are a smoker

Some people are also more susceptible to infections. 

Fat Reabsorption

Fat redistribution is one of the primary risks of breast fat transfer in Singapore. The body utilizes fat cells and even redistributes them throughout the body. So, there is always the possibility that the body may reabsorb the fat cells injected into the breast. 

The downside is fat redistribution means the breast size increase will be smaller than expected. Fortunately, most surgeons expect this to happen, so they inject extra fat cells to cover for fat redistribution.

In cases where fat redistribution is more than expected, another procedure may be scheduled. Unfortunately, multiple breast fat grafting treatments may lead to fat necrosis. 

Reaction To Anaesthesia

Breast fat transfer is usually done under general anaesthesia. Some people are allergic to anaesthesia.

Some of the side effects may be;

  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Blurry vision
  • Numbness

If there is a risk you will react to anaesthesia, you should discuss this with your doctor. You must also avail yourself of your medical history, including the medications you are taking. Blood thinners and anti-inflammatory medications may trigger allergic reactions. 

Despite these risks, many women prefer breast fat grafting because the benefits outweigh the risks.

Some of the benefits are;

  • Natural slimming in areas where fat cells are removed
  • The breasts have a more natural look
  • Minimal scarring
  • Generally safe procedure

Tips To Prevent Complications After Breast Fat Transfer

Although breast fat grafting carries some risks, there are measures that you can take to prevent the complications. Here are some pre and post-breast fat transfer tips to follow. 

  • Discuss your medical history with the doctor before the procedure. Fortunately, this is one of the issues the doctor will want to know. Discuss your habits, such as smoking and drinking. You should also let the doctor know of any medications you’re taking.
  • Take prescribed pain medication, especially in the first week.
  • Wear appropriate bras, as per your doctor’s instruction.
  • Ensure you handle all your chores before the breast fat transfer in Singapore. This way, you can rest during recovery. 
  • Eat a healthy diet consisting of fruits, lean proteins and vegetables. 

The success of breast fat grafting relies mainly on the doctor’s skill, availability of sufficient fat cells, and aftercare after recovery. 

aesthetic body sculpting treatments in Singapore

Pros and Cons of Body Sculpting Treatments – What to Consider

Let’s face it; people are going to judge you by how you look. If you are fit and have a defined body, you are going to get loads of compliments. Following a good diet and exercising is by far the best way to build a fit and strong body that you will be proud of.

If you aren’t able to get rid of stubborn fat pockets on your tummy after working out for months, you should consider signing up for body sculpting procedures like CoolSculpting, Thermage, and Redustim.

Many women in Singapore opt for these sculpting treatments because they are FDA-approved, non-invasive, and painless (you may experience a little discomfort). What’s more, these procedures can deliver long-lasting results.

If you are considering any of these procedures, you must weigh their pros and cons before making a final decision. In this article, we will be looking at the advantages and disadvantages of body sculpting procedures. Read more about body sculpting treatments at Prive Clinic here.

Benefits of body sculpting treatments

Body sculpting procedures are increasingly popular in Singapore because of the following reasons.

No pain

Most body sculpting procedures are painless.

That said, you may experience mild discomfort or a hot and cool sensation during the treatment.  

The same cannot be said about invasive procedures.

After a surgical procedure, you will likely be given pain meds to reduce the discomfort and pain you may experience.

Easy to perform

Before a fat removal surgical procedure, you are going to be required to make elaborate preparation beforehand. You may even need to find someone that will look after you days or weeks after you have been discharged.

Body sculpting treatments are super easy to do. In fact, you don’t have to go to the hospital to get it done. You can easily have the procedure at any reputable aesthetic clinic in Singapore during your lunch break.

Amazing results

The reason why more and more Singaporeans are opting for body sculpting treatments is that they are very effective and can deliver jaw-dropping results.

Note that you may need several treatment sessions to get the results you desire.

Following a healthy diet and working out regularly will help ensure that the results of the procedure are long-lasting.

Disadvantages of body sculpting treatments

As you surely now know, body sculpting procedure offers a lot of benefits, but they aren’t for everyone. Overweight people may not benefit much from the procedure.

If you are a good candidate for body sculpting procedure, you should take a close look at the side effects associated with them before making a final decision.

Here are some issues you may experience after a body sculpting treatment.

  • Redness
  • Swellings
  • Numbness in the treated area
  • Bruising

These side effects may last a day or a couple of weeks.

Final note

There you have it, the pros and cons of body sculpting treatment.

Before opting for any of these treatments, it is critical that you consult your doctor. He or she will be able to narrow down the best treatment for you.

fat freeze treatments in Singapore

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Fat Freeze Aesthetic Clinic in Singapore

Do you live in Singapore? Have you made the big decision to undergo a fat freezing procedure? If yes, you are likely looking for a good aesthetic clinic with the right equipment and expertise to perform the fat freezing treatments.  

Well, the truth, as you will soon come to find out is that Singapore is home to a lot of aesthetic clinics. Choosing among them is likely going to be a challenge for you.

To make an informed decision, there are a few things you must consider. Below are a few of them.

Expected Results

A simple way to determine if an aesthetic clinic can deliver what they promise is by checking the before and after pictures of their past patients. Seeing the results of patients who have undergone the procedure will help you put things into perspective and give you a picture of what to expect.  

Do the experts in the clinic have Medical Malpractice Insurance?

Even if fat freeze procedures are safe, there is no assurance that the procedure will go smoothly. There is a possibility that you may experience serious side effects after the procedure. If the clinicians have medical malpractice insurance, you can be confident that you will be supported if anything happens to go wrong.

What is their quote? How much does it cost?

You can learn a lot from the quote given to you during your visit.

On average, it may cost you up to a thousand dollars for a single Coolsculpting session. If you come across a clinic that is willing to perform the procedure for a ridiculously low price, you should avoid them.

Most times, clinics that offer a low price for treatment uses low-quality machines that deliver poor results.

Is the clinic reputable?

Over the last couple of years, there has been an influx of cheap fat freeze machines that anyone can import and use.

Before choosing a clinic, you should check if the experts have experience in medicine or beauty. If they don’t, chances are, they don’t know what they are doing and may not care about their reputation.

Are they up to date with the latest medical research?

Clinicians have to attend international and local conferences to become abreast with the latest technology in their industry.

Since the inception of fat freeze treatment, there have been several changes in the treatment. These changes have resulted in better results.

So if the experts in the clinic aren’t up to date with the latest information about the procedure, you should avoid them.  

In Summary

Truth be told, finding a good aesthetic clinic in Singapore is not easy. With so many options out there, it may be difficult for you to make a final decision. Applying the tips discussed in this article will help make your search for a reputable clinic easier. Remember that the best way to learn about a clinic is by checking out their online reviews and visiting them in person.

body sculpting treatments in Singapore

Best Types of Body Sculpting Procedures in Singapore

Do you want to have a defined and sexy body? If yes, you should take action to bring your dream to reality. If you are like most people in Singapore, you may have a notion that eating right and regular exercise is the only way to lose fat and get a slim body, but that is far from the truth.

Presently, there are a handful of non-surgical body-sculpting procedures that can help you lose those excess pounds. If you haven’t heard of these procedures before, you may not want to sign up for them, as you aren’t sure if they are safe.

Well, it may surprise you to know that these procedures have been approved by the FDA and are 100% safe. So you have nothing to worry about when you sign up for them. Read on to learn about some of the best body sculpting procedures in Singapore. More information can be found here.

Inch Vanquish & CoolSculpting

This is a contactless body contouring treatment that can help get rid of stubborn fat pockets after a couple of sessions.

During the procedure, high-frequency radio frequency, which is emitted from a curved panel, is used to heat up fat tissues. The heating process helps to break down and shrink fat cells, which will be naturally removed by the body.

While the procedure isn’t painful, you may experience a warm sensation in the area being treated.

Since the procedure lasts for only 60 minutes and has zero downtime, you can get it done during your lunch break.


This is an FDA-approved treatment that can eliminate stubborn fat pockets lingering around the abdominal region.

During the procedure, you will be required to wear a special suit that covers most parts of your body (from your chest down).

The suit helps breaks down fat cells by firing low-frequency electromagnetic energy, which induces muscle contraction.

This procedure can also help break down visceral fat, which is dangerous and can have a serious impact on your health.  

Besides helping you get rid of fat, this treatment can also help you eliminate metabolic waste and toxins in your body.

Thermage CPT

This is a body sculpting procedure that utilizes advanced radiofrequency technology to eliminate fat cells.

During the procedure, the subcutaneous tissues and the dermis are heated up to encourage collagen production and tighten loose skin.  

This treatment is perfect for Singaporean women looking to tightening their saggy tummy (after weight loss or pregnancy), arms, thighs, and butts.

Exilis Elite

This is a non-invasive treatment that can help do everything from increase collagen production to break down fat cells and reduce cellulite.

During the treatment, a handheld device that delivers radiofrequency is used to heat and cool the surface of the skin. This helps to break down fat cells, which will be removed from the body naturally and stimulate the production of collagen.

During the procedure, patients may experience a heating sensation, which is said to be bearable, as the device also delivers a cooling effect.

Note that the treated area may appear red or pinkish, but you shouldn’t be bothered by this, as the redness will fade off after a couple of hours.

Final note

Whether you want to lose a couple of inches so that you will look perfect in your wedding dress or you want to get back in shape after pregnancy, there is a body sculpting procedure for you. Visit any of the many Aesthetic Clinics in Singapore to find the best treatment for your goals, body type, and budget.

laser treatments for acne scars on face

Everything You Need to Know About Laser Treatment for Acne Scars

Do you have acne scars? If yes, you are not alone. In fact, one study conducted a while back found that 95% of people who have moderate to severe acne have some kind of residual scarring.

Presently, the Singaporean market is flooded with different skincare products that promise to eliminate acne scars for good. Well, the sad truth is that many of these products do not guarantee results. Some of them may even cause more damage to your skin if they are not compatible.

If you want to permanently address your acne problem and fade off your acne scars, you should consider going for laser treatments targeted to treat acne scars.

If you are new to the procedure or only know a few things about it, you are going to benefit from this article. Read on to learn some key things about laser treatment for acne scars.

What is laser treatment for acne scars?

Laser treatment for acne scars is a procedure that helps to fade the scars from old acne outbreaks. During the procedure, light is used to stimulate the growth of healthy skin cells and break down the scar tissues.

Can laser treatment eliminate acne scars?

While the procedure is effective, it doesn’t promise to completely remove acne scars. Laser treatment can help make acne scars less visible and reduce the pain caused by them.

Is the procedure for everyone?

Laser treatment is one of the most effective ways to address acne scars, but it is not for everyone. Ask your dermatologist or aesthetician to review your skin and they will advise you accordingly.

Regardless of the nature of your acne scar, it is critical that you consult a dermatologist before opting for the procedure, including and especially for laser treatments.


One of the main reasons why many Singaporeans don’t opt for laser treatment for acne scars is because it is super expensive.

In most reputable aesthetic clinics in Singapore, a single treatment of skin resurfacing can cost between a few hundred to $2000.

Below are some factors that affect the cost of the procedure.

  • The size of the area being treated
  • The experience of the clinician carrying out the procedure
  • The number of treatment sessions you need
  • The number of scars you want to treat

What areas can the treatment target?

Generally, Laser treatment for acne scars is used to address acne scars on the face. But it can also be used to address acne scars in other parts of the body. Below are a few areas the treatment can target.

  • Neck
  • Arms
  • Back   
  • Upper torso


Laser treatment is one of the most effective ways to fade off acne scars.

If you are a good candidate for the procedure, you should choose any of the reputable aesthetic clinics in Singapore to have the treatment.

These centers have state-of-the-art equipment and qualified experts that can effectively carry out the treatment. To get the best results, you should strictly follow the aftercare instructions you are given.

acne scar laser treatment

5 Things You Should Know Before Going for Acne Scar Laser Treatments

Laser treatment is one of the most effective ways to treat acne scars. If you are considering signing up for it, there are a few facts you must know. Learning about these facts will help keep your expectations in check and ensure that you get the best results.

Laser treatment may not completely eliminate old scarring

Many people have the notion that laser treatment is like a magic wand that can make that acne scar disappear. Well, the truth is that the procedure may not totally eliminate acne scars.

Below are a few things laser treatment is best for.

  • Reducing the pain and itch in the affected area
  • Making acne scars less visible.
  • Preventing a serious scar from forming after a surgical procedure

Your results are intertwined with the skill of the dermatologist or aesthetician performing the treatment

If you are new to laser treatment, you may the notion that you are going to get excellent results, regardless of the clinic you choose. This may come as a shock to you, but not all aesthetic clinics in Singapore have skilled professionals that can effectively perform laser treatment.

So before choosing a clinic, you should do a little research to learn if their experts are certified and are abreast with the specialized knowledge needed to perform the procedure.

Consult your doctor before opting for any type of laser treatment

Never should you opt for any laser treatment without first consulting your doctor.

You should also avoid clinics that promise to treat your acne scar without first providing a medical consultation.

To ensure that no complication arises during and after the procedure, your clinician performing the procedure needs to know about the following.

  • The nature of your scar
  • Your overall health
  • Your skin type

Below are a few things you should tell your dermatologist before your procedure.

  • The medications and supplements you are on
  • The skincare products you are using
  • If you smoke
  • If you have an underlining health condition (Diabetes)
  • If you experience cold sores

It is also wise that you tell your dermatologist about the results you expect after the procedure.

Sun protection is essential before and after the treatment

You should take steps to protect your skin (especially the scarred area) from the sun before the day of your appointment.

If your dermatologist notices that you have sunburn or your skin is tanned, they will postpone your procedure to a future date.

Using laser on tanned skin can cause the following

  • Discoloration of the skin
  • Serious burn
  • Increased odds of developing another scar

It may take some time for you to get your desired results

If you are looking for a treatment that can magically eliminate your acne scar overnight, laser treatment isn’t for you. On average, it may take up to a few weeks before your scars start fading off.


Laser treatment is becoming increasingly popular in Singapore. Before signing up for it, it is wise that you first consider the tips discussed in this article. Doing this will go a long way to help ensure that you get your desired result.   

Important things to consider before opting for Eyebrow Embroidery in Singapore

If you want to stand out in life, you have to take care of your looks. This can mean everything from getting a facial to using premium quality skincare products.

Despite your best efforts, there may be some things that you may not be able to fix on your own. For example, if you have thin brows, you may think all is lost, as you can’t magically make your eyebrow fuller.

Thanks to new technologies, it is now possible to make your eyebrow fuller and bolder. This treatment is known as Eyebrow Embroidery. But some people refer to it as cosmetic tattooing or microblading.

Semi-permanent Eyebrow Embroidery in Singapore is a type of tattooing that involves the use of disposable needles to implant pigment under the skin surface.

Before you sign up for the procedure, there are some things you first need to consider. Below are a few of them.

You need to be prepared

Since the result of the treatment is semi-permanent, you must weigh its pros and cons before opting for it. To get the best results, you have to choose an embroiderer you are comfortable with that has years of experience.

You can make things easier for your artist by bringing a photo of the style of brows you want.

Get your skin ready

As you likely know, eyebrows embroidery is a hands-on procedure. So your artist is going to have direct contact with your skin. To have a pleasant experience, you should to protect the skin around your eyebrow region before the day of your treatment.

Below are some things you shouldn’t do before your appointment.

  • Exposing your skin to direct sunlight
  • Getting your eyebrows tinted or threaded.

Ensure that you are well hydrated and relaxed on the day of your appointment.

You don’t need to get rid of your existing eyebrows

If you are new to eyebrow embroidery, you may think you need to shave your eyebrow before your treatment. The truth is that you don’t. The only hairs you should remove are those located outside theeyebrow shape you choose.

The procedure may take a few hours

Eyebrow embroidery is just like other non-invasive treatments that can be completed within a couple of hours.

After choosing a shape, the artist will apply some numbing cream in the region close to your eyebrows and start microblading.

It is going to take between 2-3 hours to complete the entire process.

Does it hurt?

Eyebrow embroidery is nothing like a regular tattoo that is painful. To reduce the pain, a numbing cream is applied to the area around the brows.

Final note

As previously mentioned, Eyebrow embroidery is a semi-permanent treatment. Since it will last for a couple of years, you must choose an eyebrow shape you will be comfortable with in the long run.

If you are in doubt or can’t make up your mind, you should talk to a makeup artist. They will be able to help you narrow down the best brows shape for your face.

A sneak peek at the different types of therapeutic treatments in Singapore

Are you considering therapy? If yes, you may have found out that there are different types of them. While some can only help address a particular issue, others can help with various issues.

During a therapy session, you will have a heart-to-heart discussion with a mental health specialist. What you will discuss during each session depends on the issue you want to address and the method of your therapist.

Note that you may have to talk about challenging situations and work through distressing thoughts. While this may be difficult for you at the moment, you need to keep in mind that the end result is going to be amazing.

Below is an overview of some common types of therapeutic treatment available in Singapore.  

Behavioral therapy

Behavioral therapy centers on action-focused techniques to address mental health issues.

Behavioral theory pointed out that some of the behaviors we adopted in the past can affect our lives negatively or positively in the future.

Behavioral therapy helps individuals change their behavioral responses.

Who this therapy is best suited for

People with the issues listed below may benefit from behavioral therapy.

  • Anxiety
  • Behavioral issues that sprang up emotional challenges
  • Defiant behaviors Phobias
  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder )

Sub Types of behavioral therapy


This method involves you facing your fears directly. For example, if you are afraid of needles or cats, you may be given a see-through box that contains one of two needles or a room with adorable cats.

Aversion therapy

Here, you will learn to associate the behavior you want to change with something unpleasant.

Humanistic therapy

This is a holistic approach that examines how the way you look at the world affects the choices and decisions you make.

This therapy is built on the belief that we understand our needs and experiences better than anyone else.

Humanistic therapy can give you a new perspective and help you understand what you are experiencing.

Who this therapy is suitable for

People going through the following issues may benefit from humanistic therapy.

  • Self-esteem issues
  • Depression
  • Feeling of worthlessness
  • Difficulty in coping with health issues
  • Relationship issues

Sub-types of Humanistic therapy

Gestalt therapy

In this approach, you will take a trip down memory lane to look for unresolved issues like family conflicts and consider how they affect your emotional health.

Person-centered therapy

This approach centers on the belief that emotional issues spring up when others criticize your decision or your choices.

Psychodynamic therapy

This therapy was developed from psychoanalysis, a popular approach to address mental health.

During a session, you will talk about anything lingering on your mind to uncover behaviors and thoughts that are causing you distress. You may have to talk about everything from recurring dreams to your childhood past and even things you fantasize about.

The therapist may also explore the connection between the decision you make and your unconscious mind.

 Who this therapy is suitable for

 Psychodynamic therapy is best suited for people who want to address the following issues.

  • Eating disorder
  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Depression

Final note

Picking among the various types of therapy that are available is likely going to be difficult, as you don’t know the one that will be able to address your issue.

To make an informed decision, you may have to consult your health care provider. They may be able to recommend the best treatment based on your needs and preferences.

Fat Freezing from an Aesthetic Doctor’s Eyes

Losing stubborn fat from one’s body is not less than hard work, which requires rigorous exercise, intense diet and running sometimes for many. People are mere concerned with losing fat, tummy from buttocks and face and some do not even involve repercussions of the process. Thus, one needs to see through the eyes of the doctor as how the process works and what measures need to be taken for getting the desired results. Have a look here for more information:

In the scientific and medical terminology, weight loss is all about maker fat cells slightly smaller than the actual shape, rather losing entire fat cells from the body. With the process of fat freeze, the fat from the fatty areas is reduced to many folds. The good part about the process is after losing fat, in case an individual gains weight, he will never put on weight on the areas treated upon.

For many doctors in Singapore, fat freeze is the safest of all methods when considering losing weight through effective operation. It is like perfect body contouring process which is targeted towards areas of fat deposits. Whereas some other prevalent methods are slightly painful and do no give desired results as compared to fat freeze.

In Singapore, doctors work by application of applicator and gel pad on the targeted areas, followed by long 35 to 70 minutes treatment process which gives tugging and cold feelings and sensations. It is neither painful nor irritating. The area treated upon gets numb at the end. It is also pertinent to mention that there are number of treatment processes which are combined together in this process to get desired results. However, depending upon the body anatomy and response time, some clients are able to view the results as soon as after one month of treatment whereas in certain cases, it takes 2-3 months to see the outcome.

Medical specialists are also of the view that certain elements should be considered when choosing any fat freeze process, like:

  • Cost of the overall process
  • Effectiveness of the process, chances of any side effects etc.
  • Safety elements

The overall cost of one session depends upon the rental of the clinic, cost of the machine and also what charges staff is getting. So, on average considering all these costs, it amounts to $350 per session to sometimes $600 per session. So the overall cost of the procedure covers cost of the machine and consumable cost.

There are number of centres available in Singapore, which use effective and non-invasive technology which doesn’t involve any surgical procedures rather use latest technology for destroying and reducing stubborn fat from selected parts of the body. It is non-surgical procedure, which is unlike any other traditional processes, which work with liposuction to reduce fat deposits from the body mainly from tummy, arms and handles. It mainly targets the area and then with the help of cooling mechanism, freeze processed parts of the body are frozen so they attain permanent shape without damaging other parts of the body. Clinics in Singapore use normal immunity system of a person for the removal of fat from the body.

Individual has to first sign the declaration form, which means he/she abides by the terms and conditions of the process and will accept the final results. This step is essential so no one could harm the reputation of the company working with this process.

Tone and Tighten the Loose Skin of Your Body

Using non-surgical skin tightening treatments, a cosmetic surgeon can successfully tighten the lax skin of your face or body which helps the patient to gain a younger appearance.

Everything About Non-Surgical Skin Tightening

Generally, Skin tightening treatments work by energizing the layer of the skin which further boosts the production of collagen and elastin. As a result, the patient gets improved texture and tone of the skin. There are some treatments that work directly on the fibrous tissues and help to smooth the cellulite. Several FDA approved skin tightening technologies are already available so that you can achieve the best results. 

Why Consider Non-Surgical Skin Tightening Treatments?

Collagen and elastin are the two proteins that work by keeping our skin tighter and toned. As our age grows, the collagen and elastin present in our skin reduce and thus the skin gets loose and makes us look like an old aged person. This is the reason why we have to consider taking non-surgical skin tightening treatments. These Privé Clinic Skin Tightening treatments make us look younger by toning and rejuvenating the skin.


1. Tighten the skin of the face, neck, and body without any kind of surgery.

2. Very less to no downtime

3. Very little risk of adverse effects if a qualified surgeon is performing the treatment.

4. Results will last for around 1 year.


1. Results may take some days to some weeks to appear properly.

2. in some cases, multiple treatments may be needed to get desired results

3. periodic treatment needs to be carried out to maintain the results.

4. These treatments don’t work on too saggy or stretched skin.

Will it Work on Me?

Such skin tightening treatments generally suits the patients who have mild to moderate saggy skin and who do not need any kind of dramatic way to lift the skin. Although there are almost no side effects, the treatment may not be recommended for the people who are pregnant or people with some medical condition.

The only best way to find out whether the treatment suits you or not is by talking to your doctor. If you have any kind of medical condition, then you must talk to your doctor before starting the treatment. You must make sure that the surgeon is well experienced and have a good grade degree.

Which One to Choose?

There are three types of skin tightening treatments that you can get for yourself.

1. Ultrasound

2. Radiofrequency

3. Radiofrequency micro-needling

Although, the basic principle of all the methods is the same. The layer of the skin is heated so that the layer starts producing more amount of collagen and elastin so that these protein works together and make your skin toned and smooth. But the difference is very minor, and it depends upon the doctor to choose the right one for you.

The treatment is performed by holding a handheld device and within some minutes the process is completed. Since there no surgery involved, the downtime is short and you can get back to your routine soon after.

Popular Skin Tightening Treatments and Types Available

There are many methods of laser skin tightening today. You will also find many types of home remedies of skin tightening. But the best and recommended way is laser skin tightening. The best part about laser skin tightening is that you get it done for any part of the body. You can target face, neck, upper body, back, thighs, etc.

The Need for Skin Tightening

As we grow older, our body reduces the production of collagen and elasticin. These are the two proteins that keep our skin look radiant, smooth, tighter and gives us a young appearance. What laser treatments do is that they heat the layer of the skin so that the skin starts to produce more amount of collagen and elasticin and as a result, our skin starts to look younger, wrinkle-free, radiant and tighter.

Since the process is non-invasive and non-surgical, it doesn’t possess any kind of downtime and the patient can resume life without any issues. Too loose or saggy skin can’t be repaired using such treatments so it’s better to try some other options for treating such skin. Read more about tightening skin here by Prive Clinic.

There are three main methods of skin tightening:

1. Ultrasound

You won’t believe but, ultrasound is not only for the expectant mothers. But ultrasound is used to make your skin richer and tighter. This the best procedure for the people who needs to have a huge lift to the skin. Ultrasound works form the deepest part of the skin. In ultrasound, the surgeon holds a handheld device through waves. These waves enter the deepest part of the skin and start heating it.

The patient may feel some discomfort, but surgeons usually apply an anesthetic cream to the targeted area. The complete process takes only 45 to 90 minutes and you will start seeing the difference right after having the treatment. But, to get the best results you will have to wait for around 2 to 3 months.

2. Radiofrequency

This procedure also uses a handheld device that uses heat to tighten up the skin. By using the handheld device, the radiofrequency is thrown on the targeted area of the skin so that the production of collagen and elasticin can be increased.

There is some amount of downtime involved in this process and the patient may feel a bit hot which is similar to stone massage. The process is gradual and thus you need to have around 6 to 10 treatments to get the proper results. These treatments are given in 7 to 10 days.

3. Radiofrequency Micro-needling

This is yet another process, in which a handheld device is used to transfer the heat to the lowest part of the skin. In this process, the device contains a set of pins. A motorized stamper that contains around 37 gold plated needles enters the layer of the skin and heat the deepest layer.

This process is quick, and you need to have multiple treatments so that you get the desired results. Multiple treatments also depends on the sagginess of skin.

Finding Skin Tightening Treatments That Work

Today, science is so advanced that plastic surgeons can tighten your sagging skin of any part of the body. Without any kind of surgeries. Given below are some of the skin tightening treatments that work.

Many topical products available that promise the tightening of facial and neck skin but if you want to see the real changes in the mirror, you must try radiofrequency. Radiofrequency is the best way for skin tightening. RF energy heats the skin’s surface that energizes the skin to start producing more amount of collagen naturally. Collagen is the protein that is the building block of skin.

For saggy skin, the doctors use two layers of skin, the top skin, and the bottom skin. In this process, RF is used to liquify the fat present in between the layer of the skin so that it starts to produce more collagen and thus starts toning and tightening of the skin.

A tiny hole is required in the skin to access the deeper layer of the skin. If the skin is too saggy, multiple treatments may be required. Generally, this process is carried out after giving a small dose of anaesthesia. Usually, when giving RF treatment, the patient feels a heating sensation which is quite hot and this treatment doesn’t leave any kind of scars on the skin.

Ultrasound Therapy

Another method of skin tightening is ultrasound. Ultrasound is not only for pregnant women but it can also be used for the treatment of skin tightening. In ultrasound, the energy is transferred via ultherapy. Ultherapy uses sound waves to boost the production of collagen which is stored in skins surface. As a result, you will find your skin to be toned and well tightened. This therapy can be performed on any part of the body. You can get this treatment for neck, face, thighs, etc and get your complete body toned. In this process, the heat is directly transmitted to the deepest layer by skipping the top layers.

Micro-Needling Therapy

Another process is called micro-needling, this process is a combination of both radiofrequency and laser light. In this process, a robotic motor uses tiny needles to reach the deepest layer of the skin and then give radiofrequency energy so that the process starts from the bottom layer. This process doesn’t involve any kind of downtime and thus the patient gets free within an hour or so. After taking the treatment, most of the patient has seen a gradual improvement to their skin and their skin became tighter to a great extent making them look way younger.

Most famous which is usually done by rich and famous – Plastic Surgery

When it comes to skin tightening, plastic surgery is the best way. This is the most effective way of skin tightening and thus most of the celebrities follow the same procedure. This process is most effective for the tummy, lower body, arm lift, etc. Although this process needs some time to recover this process lasts for a longer period and it needs a highly skilled and experienced surgeon as it is a high-risk and invasive surgical procedure.

Understanding Fat Freeze Technology in Singapore

“What a perfect body, size zero”, “I wish I could be more like the super models, but I am too busy to exercise”. Have u ever heard of these phrases? Of course yes, we all at some point in time would have been looking for achieving a perfect body which personifies beauty and confidence. Ever since the inception of mankind there have been different ways of self-praising or self-pitying. It is believed that self-worth is associated with the external drivers like: being thin or muscular, which adheres to hard working, successful, popular, strong, pretty and well-maintained and a balanced personality. Means there is a connection in being accepted by the society and just being thinner.

Singapore is no exception. People in Singapore having different work schedules, varied obligations in numerous jobs and businesses makes it difficult to work out or exercise extensively, instead flexible and adaptable means of achieving the desired body shapes are welcomed such as fat freezing technology treatment.

The New Solution

It is an uprising trend in Singapore. As people having busy lifestyles are opting for it. It’s a non-surgical fat reduction treatment for stubborn areas where fat gets accumulated and is not easier to shed off like the inner thighs, outer thighs, abdomen, flanks, upper arms, double chin etc. It is not a weight loss procedure, so it is not recommended for people who are substantially overweight or obese. There are a wide range of treatments available like cool-sculpting procedures and many consultation companies are offering the treatments. In Singapore individuals approach these consultation companies for taking appointment and getting eligible for the required jobs to be done. While weighing the pros and cons there definitely is a positive trend.

With broadened perspectives and innovation people in Singapore are opting for such procedure time in and out for self-rejuvenation. Several individuals are using this technology to freeze away unwanted fat cells without a single incision and can relax, read, or browse the internet. The treatment area becomes numb soon after treatment begins, so most patients find the experience quite comfortable. Hence, it’s a transformation that takes few appointments and even folks resume their daily activities as soon as the appointment is over, and then later watch their results develop.

Treatment Adoption and Upkeep

In Singapore because of advancement in technology body contouring using fat freeze technology is done with the aid of medical machines. People are mainly opting it because unlike other surgical treatments, it’s cost effective, pain free, time saving, showing impressive results and fewer risks involved. There are a few minor side effects to consider, temporary numbness, redness, itchiness and irritation. However, they are temporary. Those who have undergone such treatments in Singapore have reported a 20% to 26% reduction of fat. The out-comes are swiftly achievable and experts say that these results will last for fairly a good  amount of time only if the patient maintains a healthy lifestyle and exercises regularly. Compared to other procedures fat freezing is comparatively cost effective and cheap in Singapore with desirable results.

People also go an extra mile for personalized treatments. Their priority is their well-being and healthy life styles. In a nut shell it’s relatively new yet a trendsetting technique which is said to go a long way forward in the concentrated consumer market of Singapore.   

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