body sculpting treatments in Singapore

Best Types of Body Sculpting Procedures in Singapore

Do you want to have a defined and sexy body? If yes, you should take action to bring your dream to reality. If you are like most people in Singapore, you may have a notion that eating right and regular exercise is the only way to lose fat and get a slim body, but that is far from the truth.

Presently, there are a handful of non-surgical body-sculpting procedures that can help you lose those excess pounds. If you haven’t heard of these procedures before, you may not want to sign up for them, as you aren’t sure if they are safe.

Well, it may surprise you to know that these procedures have been approved by the FDA and are 100% safe. So you have nothing to worry about when you sign up for them. Read on to learn about some of the best body sculpting procedures in Singapore. More information can be found here.

Inch Vanquish & CoolSculpting

This is a contactless body contouring treatment that can help get rid of stubborn fat pockets after a couple of sessions.

During the procedure, high-frequency radio frequency, which is emitted from a curved panel, is used to heat up fat tissues. The heating process helps to break down and shrink fat cells, which will be naturally removed by the body.

While the procedure isn’t painful, you may experience a warm sensation in the area being treated.

Since the procedure lasts for only 60 minutes and has zero downtime, you can get it done during your lunch break.


This is an FDA-approved treatment that can eliminate stubborn fat pockets lingering around the abdominal region.

During the procedure, you will be required to wear a special suit that covers most parts of your body (from your chest down).

The suit helps breaks down fat cells by firing low-frequency electromagnetic energy, which induces muscle contraction.

This procedure can also help break down visceral fat, which is dangerous and can have a serious impact on your health.  

Besides helping you get rid of fat, this treatment can also help you eliminate metabolic waste and toxins in your body.

Thermage CPT

This is a body sculpting procedure that utilizes advanced radiofrequency technology to eliminate fat cells.

During the procedure, the subcutaneous tissues and the dermis are heated up to encourage collagen production and tighten loose skin.  

This treatment is perfect for Singaporean women looking to tightening their saggy tummy (after weight loss or pregnancy), arms, thighs, and butts.

Exilis Elite

This is a non-invasive treatment that can help do everything from increase collagen production to break down fat cells and reduce cellulite.

During the treatment, a handheld device that delivers radiofrequency is used to heat and cool the surface of the skin. This helps to break down fat cells, which will be removed from the body naturally and stimulate the production of collagen.

During the procedure, patients may experience a heating sensation, which is said to be bearable, as the device also delivers a cooling effect.

Note that the treated area may appear red or pinkish, but you shouldn’t be bothered by this, as the redness will fade off after a couple of hours.

Final note

Whether you want to lose a couple of inches so that you will look perfect in your wedding dress or you want to get back in shape after pregnancy, there is a body sculpting procedure for you. Visit any of the many Aesthetic Clinics in Singapore to find the best treatment for your goals, body type, and budget.